The darkest day will commence a reign of desperation Driven by kings of repression and corruption Are the weak ones who fight for existence Everyone saw this coming, the signs were clear The chances were given but no No one ever had the courage to act This wasn't unpredictable Observation was preventable There's no tomorrow without suffering and pain Ignorance was the reason why society collapsed Black blood has always run through our veins But there's no antidote to this disease Our disease We can make it through this mess We just have to change our minds Now One survived it all and resisted through the end To dwell this world alone in search for salvation Beneath the face of misery, before mirrors of lies The demons are lusting for the last existence But they won't break his will They won't break him down Haunted by flying eyes Through the labyrinth of tyrants The puppets crawling onto their downfall Everything is predetermined Death will take us all We have the choice to choose the right path Or follow the craze and overthrow the rulers Haunted by flying eyes Through the labyrinth of tyrants The puppets crawling onto their downfall