I'm just sitting here counting my money Wondering why I'm in love with you honey And why everybody is so high strung these days Price of living here has gone sky high But guys like me we're always getting by Babe told me, "A lean dog can run a long race." CHORUS: All I know is you gotta keep trying You gotta laugh now and then to keep from crying The only sure thing is taxes and dying And your lovin makes the living worth while Someday I'm more gone in here Some days I like to just sit and drink beer. And some days I can't wait until I get home All I like to d is play music and golf The money I make pays the IRS off Without you, Susan, I'd simply be a rolling stone CHORUS BRIDGE: Ooh without you I'd have no one to sleep with (++) Nobody to laugh with late at night Without you there'd be no light in the window There'd be no reason to write. CHORUS Well I've been sued and screwed and tattooed. But I"m standing right here in front of you Telling you that even the best of 'em make a mistake We're all livin' life day to day The whole damn world's just feeling it's way But you can tell them ol' Jerry Jeff said it's OK (ok, ok!) CHORUS Makes ya smile, hoo, hoo, hoo