The stench of rubber and burning flesh Has anointed us as our own successors We take justice into our own hands Even if it means burning us alive Mass hysteria fills the air As the victims are dragged To the centre of the town Feeding off each others hate Destined to your fate Mob justice ensues as a result Of our shitty lives We'll take our city back One murder at a time Boxes of matches and tyre in hand Liberate all! Summary execution! Torture carried out by man! Force a tyre filled with petrol Around his chest and AM Set him alight and scorch his soul Empty eyes await a most painful death Rubber drips to the floor As skin melts to the bone To the bone Cameras out all eyes on the victim Let's all cheer as we burn him to death Hear the screams as the life leaves his eyes Burn the scum! Undo his sin! As the smoke clears to reveal a scene of horror Ashes and bones! In the wake of hatred we are ultimately oblivious In the wake of hatred we are ultimately oblivious