I was always told that a woman should know her place in this world Beneath the feet of a dominant male Don't you dare talk back or look at me in the wrong way! Become my slave and be eternally submissive! Barricaded in the hut It's time for her sexuality to be scorned Forced to mutilate her womanhood Adolescent being will suffer like every being who's suffered before her! Mutilating for your culture is a sin Taken from her blackened room and let to the sacred tree Tied to its branches her cunt exposed, her clitoris sliced clean A puddle of blood forms beneath her She's lucky if she survives Led to believe this is the only way to be pure She's falling victim to form of monetary gain to be sold to the highest bidder! I was always told to be loyal and submit to the men in this world Offer myself to the dominant male Proven to be nothing but a child bearing slave Give up my life to be eternally submissive Misogyny runs rampant on this fucking continent Women mean nothing in the eyes of greed Misogyny runs rampant on this fucking continent Women mean nothing in the eyes of greed Nothing but a hole that spews our children forth Misogyny reigns true Women don't mean shit our father's taught us this Misogyny reigns true Nothing but a hole that spews our children forth Misogyny reigns true Women don't mean shit our father's taught us this Misogyny reigns true Nothing but a hole that spews our children forth Misogyny reigns true Women don't mean shit our father's taught us this Misogyny reigns true Nothing but a hole that spews our children forth Misogyny reigns true Women don't mean shit our father's taught us this Misogyny reigns true