Summoning thee ancients into our begotten paradise Innocent sluts tied up, fuck every orifice! Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Screams of agony create a new melody Painting a portrait of death and savagery Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Inseminating their ovulating wombs! Defiled in the darkest of tombs! Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Deposit your seeds into these sluts! The fabric of space and time beginds to tear A portal appears out of no where! Lumbering beast gazes at the gore Pins down the very first whore! All hell begins to break loose as the rape ensues! This beast will ravish every pussy on this fucking planet! Blood gushes out from under the flesh hanging from the shedded and torn mangled vagina! Rotten cunt meat infested with maggots deep inside Eating these worthless sluts alive! What a beautiful sight! Witness this awful blight! This is my grand psychosadistic design! Summoning thee ancients into our begotten paradise Innocent sluts tied up, fuck every orifice! Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Screams of agony create a new melody Painting a portrait of death and savagery Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Inseminating their ovulating wombs! Defiled in the darkest of tombs! Come forth spawns of praenuntius! Deposit your seeds into these sluts! Their faces contort in anguish as this monster blows his load Instant impregnation! Tied down with no where to go! Thee embryo evolves into a fetus within a matter of minutes! Her womb swells before her eyes! "Cherish this moment before you die!" Devilish fiends crawling from the wombs of mangled whores Their blood soaks the ground A feast forevermore! Born on this dark cold night! The wind is howling The moon is bright! They stumbled into the freezing air Eyes glistening with a bloodshot glare They stumbled into the freezing air Eyes glistening with a bloodshot glare