Reaper in the hourglass Every grain of sand will pass Monuments of spells we cast In this age we all die fat Hail and hallelujahs Higher purpose for the masses Begging, thieving, keeping all the good ones for yourself How to kill unworthy men Judge them with your own two hands Seal the frame that shuts your eyes Use the tool you keep inside Don't pretend you're not condemned Don't pretend you're not, you sleep within Feel the blade cut through your mind and reconnect all the dotted lines Peeling the layers unable to find nothing but puzzeling signs Waiting for a God Future full of riches All egos tumble Growing ignorance No more dire winners Broken sinners I wont go cause I'm not here Little boy you can go anywhere Don't evolve, vegetate Little boy you will grow and be fierce A momentary relapse Waves from stars aligned Flying through the haze Waiting for a God and for a future full of riches Always gazing up when there is something you are missing Endless fucking line of all these day to day believers Oh now all hope is gone Feel the blade cut through your mind and reconnect all the dotted lines Peeling the layers unable to find halos All egos tumble Growing ignorance No more dire winners Broken sinners