V.Spy V.Spy

Working Week

V.Spy V.Spy

We do it nine to five 
Put petrol in the car 
It's a 45 minute drive 
And it's a bit too long 
And much too far

6.30 rise and shine
With the traffic weaving into town 
The clock that rules my life 
It brings me up
And puts me down

But something i remember 
I remember

To forget about the working week
Forget about it
Forget about the working week

I got my work clothes under iron
It makes me feel like such a bag 
Appearances are fine
But underneath i feel a dag

But something i remember
I remember

To forget about the working week 
Forget about it
Forget about the working week

The afternoon drags on
Sometimes it goes so fast
I'm just dreaming time away
As i watch the minutes ticking past