
Open The Mysteries Of Your Creation


Suffer His third, oh you, a flame, 
whose wings are one sulfur and one thorns 
to boil with vexation 
and pierce this, your puzzlement, 
as a myriad of heaving lamps before you in the night. 

(Be He your vessel) 

Move, then, yourself therefore 
and appear within that mighty light; 
the burning flame of comfort 
that unveils those hidden mysteries 
to the center of the earth. 
Move therefore and appear! 

For it is said unto you, oh believers, 
"Behold the face of Satan, 
the beginning of comfort, 
whose eyes are the brightness of the stars, 
in whom, the secret of truths abide!" 

Believers, it is said unto you, 
"Behold the face of Satan, 
the beginning of comfort. 
Be He your vessel! 

Be He the source of your joy and your strength, 
and you a window into His. 
For it is by His strength that we are made joyous and strong. 
Arise now, and open the mysteries of your creation.