It hadn't rained For three months Hadn't rained Not even a drop Burned. Everything dried out For worse The spring came And one early morning It started thundering The rain came And it didn't stop For three days And three nights Then the water came In the garden A mulberry tree In the garden On the tree Pesha Gerakina And on her neck Three cords of golden coins And on her ears Two golden beads And on her fingers Two golden rings And on the rocks Her breathless body And when her father heard He started running down With the water With Borushtica Came close Close to Vidrare That's where he found her The pretty virgin The pretty maiden Fell down And drowned Pesha Gerakina Her white face Is covered in sand Her thin figure Stuck in the mud And on her neck Three cords of golden coins And on her ears Two golden beads And on her fingers Two golden rings And on the rocks Her breathless body