What have I become In this desolate world Of mortal man I look inside myself Look for answers To my questions Only bleak outlook Feel the pain with the knife Seek to find happiness Dead in the gutter Mortified and strangled Lying here Gazing into the endless Blackness That is overwhelming me I dont know where to look To find peace Is it lost forever? What is left When we are all gone Black murder upon us all Carrion call the doves shall sing Flock in herds, our mortal coil Watch as it leaves our veins Spit at your world And hide in silence To know What its like To be dead Eyes look inside my Tired skull Rotting insides How cant you see? What we have become Plague, existence Death, futility What is the meaning? Pointless Meaningful life Struggle in the everyday Although its your only way Seek to find inside yourself Realize there is nothing left Worth living for