Von Hertzen Brothers

Always Been Right

Von Hertzen Brothers

In a world of us and them
It happens now and then
That faith becomes a battle
Between two cultured men

Father john was said to feel
That only god was real
Whereas michael was a rebel
An atheist with zeal

Both traveled overseas
To lecture their beliefs
And disparage the foundation of the others ideals
A day was fixed upon
To weigh the goings-on
The saintly father john was saying

I've always been right
The word makes me strong
Always been right
And everyone else wrong

We've always been right
To fight how we've fought
Always been right
And everyone else
Has always been, always been wrong

And so the day turned into night
The crowd had become wild
No one knew the matter
But they were eager to fight

Next morning when it cleared
Old john had disappeared
His brother found his bible
But it was torn and smeared

And michael was revived
He spent the night inside
The temple he had loathed and ridiculed all his life

And at the crack of dawn
He knelt down by the throne
Begging for the gods to listen

They've always been right
To do what they've done
Always been right
And everyone else wrong

They've always been right
To teach how they've taught
Always been right
And everyone else
Has always been wrong

They've always been right

Em um mundo de nós e eles
Acontece de vez em quando
Que a fé se torna uma batalha
Entre dois homens cultos

Diziam que o Padre John sentia
Que só Deus era real
Enquanto Michael era um rebelde
Um ateu com zelo

Ambos viajaram para o exterior
Para pregar suas crenças
E desprezar a fundação dos ideais dos outros
Um dia foi marcado
Para avaliar os acontecimentos
O santo Padre John dizia

Eu sempre estive certo
A palavra me fortalece
Sempre estive certo
E todos os outros errados

Sempre estivemos certos
Em lutar como lutamos
Sempre estivemos certos
E todos os outros
Sempre estiveram, sempre estiveram errados

E assim o dia se transformou em noite
A multidão ficou enlouquecida
Ninguém sabia do que se tratava
Mas estavam ansiosos para lutar

Na manhã seguinte, quando clareou
O velho John tinha desaparecido
Seu irmão encontrou sua bíblia
Mas ela estava rasgada e suja

E Michael foi revivido
Passou a noite dentro
Do templo que desprezara e ridicularizara toda a vida

E ao raiar do dia
Ele se ajoelhou frente ao trono
Implorando aos deuses para ouvi-lo

Eles sempre estiveram certos
Em fazer o que fizeram
Sempre estiveram certos
E todos os outros errados

Eles sempre estiveram certos
Em ensinar como ensinaram
Sempre estiveram certos
E todos os outros
Sempre estiveram errados

Eles sempre estiveram certos