
Forgetting the Origins


A man come from other dimension 
The one who cheated Death. 
Make himself eternal 
God of gods 
Warrior of warriors! 
He came down on Earth 
In lightings chariot 
Finding primitive life forms 
Modified biological structures 
Leaving signs so deep 
In time, blinded by christianic ideas 
By Christ who dreamed of power 
Forgetting the origins and the past 
The truth buried carefully 
Inside humanity's mind 
No one have ears to hear 
No one have eyes to see 
In these sacred books is written 
"It will be back and show us the power 
The way of immortaliy" 
In a place long ago forgotten 
In a sanctuary of gods 
Guarded by mystic creatures 
The Astral Gate revealed 
Stands in front of us 
Waiting for the true signs 
To penetrate new horizons