Void Construct


Void Construct

this cycle perpetual
seemingly inert yet corrosive 
to the focussed this cycle inescapable 
so many functions overcome 
but so few wasted 
consumed by fear 
this corrosive humour 
tearing at our dignity 
secure inclusion 
antipathy exuding from conflicting remains 
this cycle perpetual 
seemingly inert yet corrosive 
to the focussed this cycle inescapable 
so many functions overcome 
but so few wasted 
inside our minds 
the power to unleash such destructive emotions 
is there nothing more than this behind our eyes 
the hollow stare of a million smotherd dreams 
is there nothing more than this magnetic reactions 
excessive fluctuations 
finally collide precise calculation 
concetric preparations 
technical deceit 
this cycle perpetual 
seemingly inert yet corrosive 
to the focussed this cycle inescapable 
so many functions overcome 
but so few wasted 
inside our minds 
the power to unleash such destructive emotions 
is there nothing more than this behind our eyes 
the hollow stare of a million smotherd dreams 
is there nothing more than this