It is said that once there was a guardian force A tale of 21 heroes It foretold that tey'd return in times of need Yet this hope was in vain Shut it! Pray is all you can I've had enough of words We must become the heroes No more turning a blind eye to the weak I want to hear you say; we go all out! If not now then when to change? We're the heroes All this time we're depending on a fairytale It's no good Now the enemy is at our gate And we're felt all alone Shut it! Complain is all you can Better brace yourselves We will become the heroes No more turning a blind eye to the weak I want to hear you say; we go all out! If not now then when to change? We're the heroes Yet so unsure Dive into my mind see me fall I dive into my mind see me falter Plase make this go Shut it! Pray is all you can I've had enough of your words Hail the hero No more turning a blind eye to the weak I want to hear you say; we go all out! If not now then when to change? We're the heroes Yes, we go all out! If not now then when to change? We're the heroes!