Pray for Him The Sullen Hero Bleed with Her His Ruptured Ego Drives him forward, Blinkered Madness Stale saliva burns her tongue Mad dog foaming, hell spawn moans The aria of tears has to be sung She was too stubborn to leg go And he was to vain Doom Doomed Once remembered, Twice forgotten Once endeavoured, utterly rotten Truth disguised and paralysed Categorised, neatly circumcised She finds herself in a maze of strife A starry eyed groupie of his tormented life And he finds himself, he finds himself On the sharp end of a knife With a wife In a cul-de-sac life The youthful laughter, of yesterday's Carefree love, crumpled on the floor Frustrated anger, the only child this union bore Nothing left of what was before Fear The mother of all violence Mental, verbal, cutting through the silence Dreaded deadlock destiny Two golden rings entwined in misery And he hates all the things she does Tries to remember how this came to pass And she's too clouded To bring back the sun His feelings shrouded Rage cocked like a gun So pray for her and bleed with him And look upon the world Can you see? Doom And they will never resolve it So they go on The Devil whispers softly Matrimony