Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you in class Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you ... I have learned to hygiene, 3 times a day brushing my teeth Being a child well educated, pay attention in class and do Homework Nail of the hand, toenail, cuts and not to wash for foot odor Clean the ear, nose and eye Take care not to give the hair for lice Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you in class Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you ... Also to beast in mathematics, there is bound to be in practice A dozen, ten units, half dozen, five units A dozen, twelve units, and half a dozen? Of course it is half I learned to add, divide, multiply and subtract Account until one hundred, count to one thousand You know what is the capital of Brazil? Brasília ARRRRRR Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you in class Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you ... Geography, Hydrography, the force of water that generates power Did you know? You knew! The teacher explained me another day I discovered that it is legal study What is the name of the planets solar system Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Earth Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Very good ... ta way out of order but you study the lesson (Speech sung) Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot I explained that the teacher in class Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you ... ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVXZ See how I learned to read? Very good! One day I will learn too! You had well in Portuguese Now I want to see how is your English branco-white, preto-black, marrom-brown, vermelho-red verdade, truth, mentira, lie and ceu azul- blue sky Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you in class Speak what you learned There is no point saying you forgot That the teacher taught you in class Thank you teacher!