After the vile and degrading martir act, of another màrtir, from one of so many martyrs, that believed give his life for obedience to god ¿what god? ! there is not god ¡ as neither hell as neither heaven only there is reality : worms and ashes. Scream of blasphemy all that what dies won't never born again neither will resuscitate, neither will go to heaven or hell, his body will be skinned by the time in the worm cycle. A scream of blasphemy if the suicidal christ is your hope, I tell you : there is not hope as neither in the other side as neither paradise. A scream of blasphemy ! there is not god ¡ as neither hell as neither heaven only there is reality : worms and ashes A scream of blasphemy our death something unavoidable so be brutal and take on without create a god that after you expire there is not return.