Under this cold silver sky Here it rests the vanquished flesh The machines have won the fight They own the throne Through the rubbles painted red The last sons of Earth survive Waiting for a better day But it won't come We built them all Each time a better new one Then it came The 26th Machine arrived A Brand New self conscious frame Released to become Our new Synthetic God If the 1st was nothing but a weird joke If the 2nd couldn't speak The 3rd already could rewrite its neural code Then a 4th a 5th and on Each one better than before 'Till the last one spoke in words unknown No phrases told For its thoughts were running in codes Then HE came A proud self-conscious State of the Art The 26th Machine Released to become Our new Synthetic God A better world Is everything we were dreaming of What our bodies can't hold Now the mind would have done This world could have become A better place For us all Then HE came Then HE came A proud self-conscious State of the Art The 26th Machine Released to become Our new Synthetic God