Knocked out cold, unconscious black 
Knocked out cold, ambushed 
Where am I? Head hurts 
Damn, neck is stiff 
Can't move 
Blurry vision, can't see straight 
Close my eyes, focus 
Starting to regain my conscious, no memory 
Trying to move but I can't, tied down to a chair 

Squirming to loosen the knots but they're rock solid 
The panic is starting to rise 
Trying to figure out, who would imprison me? 
Shadow moves swift around the room and comes straight towards me 
Lifts his hands, I try to duck to get away 
He's putting something on me 
Plastic bag, total panic 
Cutting off all air, suffocating 
Total panic, hyperventilate 
Taste of blood, in my mouth 
Can't move my arms, screaming out 

Falling over, hit the floor, flash before my eyes, gasping for air 
Starting to feel dizzy, try to bite the plastic bag 
Can't reach... life starting to slip away 
I can feel my body, starting to give up 
Pounding, inside my chest 
Feels like i'm gonna blow 
Then, suddenly, he lifts me up 
Not much time left, I can feel him poking at my mouth 
Poking, sticking a hole, letting me get a taste 
Slowly, my mind is again under my control 
I can hear him, at the end of the room 
What the fuck is he doing? 

A strike to my head 
Once again knocked down 
Rips up, steps back, lifts the bat 
Strikes my chest, intense pain 
The perpetrator laughs at me, can't see but I know it's him 
I know this psycho wants me dead 
Adrenaline is working fast, I want to crack this bastard's head 
Pierce his lungs, watch him choke 
I sense a smell of human death 
Realize i'm not the first to suffocate then left to rot in this room 
The plastic bag sits tight and firm I feel it's time to get it off 
This cunt won't break me he will die 
With furious anger I start wobbling with the chair 
Feel the wood giving in, knots loosen 
I will break free 

Again I feel strong 
Fueled by hatred and lust to slay 
Picture him beaten and dead 
The instant my hands are free he's back with the baseball bat 
Smashing and pounding, time must be now for attack 
As I charge I feel the knife, took me by surprise 
Slicing my throat, quick I die