He messed with the wrong guys They messed him up real good Beaten up relentlessly with clubs mash his flesh crush his bones Pouring boiling oil on his body splashing on his head Keep beating They kick his face Using crowbars poking his eyes Mouth filled with oil skin burnt red The fucker screams like a bitch high pitched. Vomits with pain Bloody regurgitation Naked man They spread his legs detaching his balls slowly with a leatherman saw Eye Clipper Bugsy brings the Machete The guy's twitching like a frog castrated eyeless Force fed on his own gonads His burnt red meat steaming like boiled potatoes Chop and dismembered his hands first to the wrist Then to the elbow and up to his shoulders Fucking Greek statue, gushing with blood Legs ran over by the Cadi Drag his roped body on the dirt Human wagon still alive Bruno finishes his legs with the machete clean up amputation Limbs chopped off torso rot Pungent reek of humam torso Left for days decayed waste Boiled and mutilated carcass stinking so bad Scavengers feast on its death Disgusting stump unrecognized as human Rancid gory horofic remains Bruno comes back for the diamonds The victim shoved it up his own ass it's been two weeks Slitting open his lower stomach slicing through the intestinal rot Playing with the entrails of the deceased miserable left over Retching Bruno is laughing, Diamonds found mixed with fecal sludge Taking the advance stage of decomposed torso Tonight he will be sleeping with the fish As deteriorated bate.