Who is the deuce, paranoid deuce Ominous deuce all day All what I see -- the personal deal I realize what they pay for Fortune and the fame Civil disorder Military rules Everybody are fool Ominous deuce, paranoid deuce Is what I read in the news Aliens kill us, or was it aborigines? Political lies you choose All the hopes -- no promises Wrong way -- don't believe what you see My name -- my paranoia Your blindness -- they having a good time No more time for fucking sentiment Die tyranny Life for money My litany -- stays a lonely way On fire sky Legal lies Disaster I'm ready for... No trust My race has been run You are the spy Not funny paranoia Who is the deuce, paranoid deuce No more hope for me alone Joined together, stronger than ever Fight with me and kill the king Your needs -- to satisfy Kill dreams -- shattered existence Just keep --my paranoia Don't know -- what is truth -- what is false Die tyranny Life for money My litany -- stays a lonely way On fire sky Legal lies Disaster I'm ready for... No trust My race has been run You are the spy Not funny paranoia