Why can't you see that the object of your obsession is invariably something positive Don't give me this Passive- aggressive shit! You Don't want to risk / You don't believe Don't want to build with me! / Don't wan to walk with me Again and again resort the machinations Offering new Offering you a ride Trying to walk the path of specified destinations Trying to stay the curse YOU WALK THE LINE! I speak the truth The land is ruled by fools like chastened children sitting silently in a school Their faces dulled constrained and so afraid What have you done Dude! you are still not understood! You'll loose the game you're playing Better keep your head on Following Art Of Lying Carry On. Carry On! FUCK! [1st solo: Grysik / 2nd solo: Hiro] WALK ON THE LINE SLOWLY YOU ALWAYS STOP RIGHT IN THE SHIT IT KIND OF MAKES YOU WONDER DAY IN - DAY OUT THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT ONE WAY TRACK WALK ON THE LINE SLOWLY YOU HAVEN'T MUCH TIME TO DECIDE PRIVILEGE MEMBERS ONLY DAY IN - DAY OUT THERE IS NO DOUBT