Appetite I want to do I think ok, I think all right The others don't want it, the gift is a result What is it means ? What are you seeing ? Your thought's different from mine. Mind your own business I have hurt inside. You commit suicide Never vanished. Produced results of you Justice isn't a judgment, result of behaviour Repent of your sins never again You think, I'm in the right An experience is the origin of your insight You are composed of the system Use the item cannot get out God's other matter you know another Intuition inside me, god within An environment controls me I cannot lie, I don't wanna die Never vanished. Produced results of you Justice isn't a judgment, result of behaviour Repent of your sins never again Its unknown guilty, stays on my life What am I standing for believe in my mind Everything you know, you can feel When you are dying, noone gets the message You should do it before you desire me Before they rape your mind