
A Star-guarded Coronation


The noctilucent cloud's extensibility 
Engorges my ocular ardour 
Hiding in the auroral breakup's visibility 
Its genie I once saw 

Growing in the binocular's prism, 
Systematic in the substorm's fractions 
With a trapping boundary like magnetism 
A lodestar in flaming actions 

Awake! All you constellations 
To space's serene sonata 
Forget the daily tribulations 
And join the nebular multicoloured strata 

I crown you kings of the hemispheres 
Burn wild, like an untamed lion 
The stellar eruption throws out like spears 
From the offspring carnival within Orion 

A star-guarded coronation 
The nightsky's index expands its zones 
A star-guarded coronation 
The genteel highness Sirius blares 
A star-guarded coronation 
Over the crossword's profound and royal thrones 
A star-guarded coronation 
When the constellation breeds from newborn flares

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