First came the impact the terrible sound of the hull being shredded by a demon unbound set adrift in the ocean many decades ago a frosty leviathan of ice and snow Cut by ice your life is burning fast no oxygen what you have it will not last In water that's up to your chin you're fighting that something that won't let you win in the pit of your stomach you're feeling the knots from death inching closer to you Cut by ice your life is burning fast no oxygen what you have it will not last Dead in the water finding no air no time to prepare dead in the water for the blackened abyss and the aquatic slaughter Dead in the water your life's burning fast asphyxia's coming with each second past as you search for an exit you panic with fear the black depths are calling hypoxia's near You hold it back primal instinct to breath that which you lack will be what makes you deceased Fight the darkness the feeling to sleep your body is tired a mind far too weak the struggle before you to find an escape is a struggle against time before it's too late You hold it back primal instinct to breath that which you lack will be what makes you deceased Dead in the water finding no air no time to prepare dead in the water for the blackened abyss and the aquatic slaughter Punch punch punch keep jarring the door as you pray that it gives but it won't give no more water fills the room from ceiling to floor leaving no room to breath Pain pain pain from holding your breath cherish it now for there's just seconds left you're failing the test of life and death your lungs screaming to be free Your conscious slips into peace your vitals ceasing to be water fills the airways that once would bring you life the icy chill surrounds you Dead in the water finding no air no time to prepare dead in the water for the blackened abyss and the aquatic slaughter