Hatheg – kla, the holy mountain Where men of power desire to proclaim Upon this majesty, unseen divines celebrate The call to seed the son and procreate “Someday you yell at skies, upon the hill, proclaiming the name of thy father” I will crucify my life I will praise and sacrifice Guide the cattle to the slab Altar Stone, our carnal stash Our lord awakes from it's rest Vital form begins to hatch Infantile abomination A goat child, raised by the moon A pray of incantation Following fathernal's words of doom I shall devour the knowledge written in ancient blood Daemonic spell within my soul floods Ritual must be completed at the dawn The one who moans and at the fire spawns Bestial creation shall reign Torn cunt by a majestic cock Supurated uterus in seminal green Praise the mage for this delicious clit And thje powerfull sayings of my deceased grand father will echoes As my mother lays down with an horde of undersea creatures I cant bare such power that runs across greater generations An animal takes me down, leaving my brother alone So I rise Abandoned I will yell my father's name Yog Sothoth Yog Sothoth Yog Sothoth Yog Sothoth Father I will crucify my life I will praise and sacrifice Guide the cattle to the slab Altar Stone, our carnal stash Our lord awakes from it's rest Vital form begins to hatch