The cold touch of the blade Sinking deep in my chest Steel seals my destiny My lungs fill with blood I left behind all I was I killed my kind led by rage And now with no remorse I breathe my last breath I open my eyes, I see no sky Sunken knee-deep in a sickening mire Revolting fumes are drenching my throat Dead bodies floating in their entrails Death and corruption is all around Maggots are eating the flesh of the deceased Gasping for air in this pestilence I faint and become one with the mud My skin is peeling My eyes encrusting with pus Wading rivers of venom and blood I'm doomed to putrefy The shrieks of pain Of those condemned to suffer forevermore Pervade my mind I'm stranded in the Corpse Shore Trapped in this place I decay A hall made of serpents with stinging fangs Scrabbling the bodies in morbid waves Their bile leaks into my wounds I crawl on streams of poisonous lime Surrounded by criminal scum just like me Killers and traitors with tainted fates A horde of limbs pulling me down My face is melting My legs are starting to dissolve Wading rivers of venom and blood I'm doomed to putrefy The shrieks of pain Of those condemned to suffer forevermore Pervade my mind I'm stranded in the Corpse Shore In this convulsing turmoil of death Nothing remains but the echo of a man Now this nightmare comes to an end The Hound of Hel is coming my way He tears apart my flesh and bones I'm just a pustule of grinded meat The Great Serpent engulfs my remains And my shadow returns to the cold of the void