Vigilia Mortum

The Invoking

Vigilia Mortum

Haniel Spirit of The Esoth 
Rid us of Sorrow 
Haniel Spirit of the Earth 
We're Pleading for a Better Tomorrow 
Seraph Spirit of The Fire 
I Invoke You Terrible Force 
Give It to Me Give It to Me 
A Right to Burn The Enemy The 
So Cruel One So Strong One 
Tarzis Spirit of the Water 
Bleeding Wounds you Can Soothe 
Fierce Thirst to Quench 
Let the Seeds of Wrath Grow 
Those ones Which Inside us 
Heroub Spirit of the Virgin Forests 
The Great Force of the Woodland 
Rivers Of the Water Falls and the Mountains 
Of the Volcanoes 
Let us Use it The Oldest Spirits 
From the four Sides 
Coming to the Rescue 
By Power of the Fire 
Spirit of the Earth 
By Force of the Water 
So We Defeat our Foes 