A cold winter night With out lights Ominous silence A timeless snowy land Hides all my power Strong flaming heart Hold me awake and Keep us moving When the death reaches We will fight For our lives Blizardstorm Block the road And hide guiding stars Despair Locking hearts Troops began fall On the white floor Shadows are dancing Sapphire blue eyes are Touching our lives We have marched so long with anger and fear We are cold and hungry There are no lights except the moon Relentless howling wind speaks with language That we don’t understand He promised to us glory with threat of the prison This land is the prison, it leads to death The pride fool warlord sent us here to conquer this ice kingdom We have found nothing but snow, ice and enchanting silence He will beg mercy from us if we return I know they are here. They have surrounded us They are spirits of kamos of eternal night I shout, “reveal yourselves, I do not fear death!” You mortal fools. Leave our frozen kingdom How dare you invade this land Now their minds are obsessed by the cold Hearts are burned by the frost And deathly pale skins covered by snow Eyes are eclipsed