Up on the hill we stand Grey worn gowns, motionless You can't see the faces, you can't see the eyes All around the hill As far as the sight can reach the smouldering ruins it smells like the incense and burning flesh Each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look Some with the flattering word. The coward does it with the kiss, The brave man with the sword! Creation avenged, naught of our fears left We are the actors of our own perfection Let the flames burn! Let the night glow! Look, this was life! It was happening all around you. Since now on - it's all gone. And since now you'll start to feel That you were the very part of it Same as god is nothing without the fairy tale of him So you are nobody Without the world that creates you The world without the end this night ended up in flames For all that they have done to us For all that you have done to us