Invaded, acceptance of fertility Like leeches digesting their way into the uterus Through the human endometrium Aligned like a fortress, a lethal barrier The implantation, a fight for survival The maternal cells in a fierce combat Against the invading trophoderm Genetic diversity means deadly rivalry To sate the thirst for nutrients The placental cells hunt for arteries Annihilating everything in their path Maternal generosity, sacrifice of love The conceived is challenged To prove the worthiness of life By displaying a vigorous lust Aggressive and invasive The maternal despot, resilient and hostile Maternal generosity, sacrifice of love Ruthlessness A hormonal cold war Inside the womb A battlefield With dead on both sides Selfish ego flourished The mother feeds the brood upon herself As it drinks, she weakens Strengthening the young Swarmed by the offspring Injected with venom and devoured Like prey