Vennersten Cecilia

Steal Your Heart Away

Vennersten Cecilia

All Alone We Go On Day After Day 
All Alone We Suffer 
Oh, to Steal Your Heart Away 

It's the Same Old Thing in the Same Old Way 
All Alone We Suffer 
Oh, to Steal Your Heart Away 

And the Lie Was Creeping 
Down, Down, Down 
While We Were Sleeping 
Suddenly We Hit the Ground 

So Come On, Let's Go, Let's Run Away 
If That's All, All There Is 
Oh, to Steal Your Heart Away 

Ooh... Steal Your Heart Away 
Ooh... Steal Your Heart Away 

The Lie Was Creeping 
Down, Down, Down 
While We Were Sleeping 
Suddenly We Hit the Ground 

So Come On, Let's Go, Let's Run Away 
If That's All There Is 
Oh, to Steal Your Heart Away 
Oh, to Steal Your Heart Away 

The Lonely Suffer
Steal Your Heart Away
The Lonely Suffer
All to Steal Your Heart Away
Steal Your Heart Away
The Lonely Suffer
To Steal Your Heart Away
If That's All There Is....
The Lonely Suffer
Steal Your Heart Away