Fill this place with blood and that of no other Than the Lord Jesus Christ I am what I am, if it were not for mercy I too would be damned, but by the grace of God I stand in His righteousness, not of my own To Him who worketh not but believes in Him alone Fill this place with blood was told to Israel Exodus from Egypt, Christ foretold in the passover Romove the leaven, true repentance A thief on the cross, Jonah's second chance Blood atonement is what God requires Now notice closely Slay the lamb, take a bunch of hyssop Dip it in the blood, strike it on the door It was not who was inside, did they do what God said This is what matters so now believe Him Blood atonement, is to be understood Substitutionary death You will either stand before God, bearing all of your sins And pay the penalty, or let Christ stand there for you As He did at Calvary to give you a gift Justification, the gift of righteousness