So difficult conta.. Never long to acertááá! you entered in my book and make me hopeless for the whole life So difficult conta.. Never long to acertááá! I was left behind all alone and stupid. captured inside such a big potentiationn Imperfect results, futile period maths a divice against all rest As it all went on the score became a field in a boletim that once had been clean So difficult conta.. Never long to acertááá! Destroy these colchetes we need a change of sinal! Your stupid classes are only a mata tiiiiime Imperfect results, futile period maths a divice against all rest As it all went on the score became a field in a boletim that once had been clean Fatoração!Equação! Produto notá-tá-vel First I thought it was assi but then I realized eu me fudi \o\ parenteses on the outside a big conta deeply within I stupidly someeeei something which had never existed.. revolted with a teacher without a soul ~