uuuh uuuh hostilis somniuuuuum edo suus cum hostilis somniuuuuum suus carmen est engarrafamentus suus carmen est engarrafamentus hostilis somniuuuuum edo suus cum hostilis somniuuuuum suus carmen est engarrafamentus suus carmen est engarrafamentus My life is a joke My life is a joke Butcher knives in my skin Cutting out beefs, sit there with me, cry with me If I'm gone, Marco will come to you Marco... will come Butcher knives in my skin Butcher knives in my skin Knock her down with your car's tire Knock her down with your car's tire Knock her down with your car's tire Knock her down with your car's tire Knock her down with your car's tire the fame went high to feed her dream within the songs she wrote, |for those songs she would die The crowd| circles| around her, gazing at the pitiful traveco Her growlings got weaker "biba, biba, biba", the mass was shouting The child that once| wore chanel, now her small hands are full of puke dignitas dignitas dignitas dignitas They drowned her bleeding The Shagrath came creeping Was she one, was she one, of the Dicesar's own kind? Beyond the beef, without a brain A relief, a gay girl Sacrifice a sheep, black metal way of life Get your band's cds and let your father judge them Walk the dark path in the forests weak and alone The crowd circles around her, gazing at the pitiful traveco Her growlings got weaker "biba, biba, biba", the mass was shouting 'Cause she loves the profane and puts her ass in a torch Burn me in a pyre Call me liar, doubt about me, the suicidal me If I'm gone, Marco will come to you Marco... will come Burn me in a pyre Burn me in a pyre uuuh uuuh hostilis somniuuuuum edo suus cum hostilis somniuuuuum suus carmen est engarrafamentus suus carmen est engarrafamentus hostilis somniuuuuum edo suus cum hostilis somniuuuuum suus carmen est engarrafamentus suus carmen est engarrafamentus