By lifelong sorrow I was scalped, Skewered by deceit and hate Then out of Argos I was expectorated. Like jetsam upon a sprawling, desolate sea, I spilled to the gilded crown of a Delphic-rabid king, And was swindled to murder a lascivious fiend To murder the depraved Gorgon queen. Upon black waves I persistently pressed, Bordering realms where the Cimmerians nest, Seeking the immortality that was purloined by Aphrodite. Her dulcet reflection in whispers hymned Of shimmering scales beneath aquiline wings; I barred the lust that gorged my mind, And tore her scabrous neck; Her ashen blood sprayed the catacomb, Rearing the Equine form. And as the snake-locks writhed, Stheno and Euryale rose But veiled in shade, I absconded with the prize. Vengeance breeds in deception I was born restrained, Bound in bronze to eschew prophecy. Vengeancea dual grave. Upon return I burst into the hall, Glanced the fool upon the dais, And reared the severed head Enshrined his reign to gray.