Peering from the adder pit, Plied by the restless grime, I stem the bloated rivers That furnish nifleheim. Silage soaked in scarlet waves Slake my coiled cavalcade: Grafvolluth, graback, goin, moin We clutch each rancid human pawn. And constrict with sinuous scorn… Between the chews of corporal fill, I gnaw at the root of yggdrasil. Dainn, dvalinn, duneyr, durathor Swindler stags for a mending whore. Dread biter i am he Who stirs the cauldron black. The eagle's maw is foaming From shifty ratatosk. My innate thirst for flesh Is assuaged by the scythe's thresh. At ragnarok i rise With my cadre of the dead We suffuse with bouts of blight; We absorb the hollow dregs. When war disbands the land, And the gods each other maul, I'll watch with rasping fangs And seize them where they fall. And when the anarchy is discarded, I'll sustain to snare the departed. My innate thirst for flesh Is assuaged by the cemetery's excess…