Laying down, the words come out of his shadow The ink sinks into the dry bleached pages Her voice shines in the previous pages Faint memories make his time move again The vast land he walks on without a map Nothing can be changed it's all in the past The memory of cupping life in his hands Taste of that fruit, laughter that lasts No one knew what happened to that lovely rose No one but his old diary that kept getting heavier No one knew him, heard him or recognized him No one but his shadow blames him for his sin Laying down, the words come out of his shadow The ink sinks into the dry bleached pages Her voice shines in the previous pages Faint memories make his time move again Nothing can be changed, nothing can end No one but his shadow blames him for his sin Laying down, the words came out of his shadow The ink sinks into the dry bleached pages Her voice shines in the previous pages Faint memories make his time move again