Mayan Temple in the jungle Giant chronograph computer Ancient sandstone crypts of Egypt Soulway to the Constellations Druids floating rocks on water To create the loading zone Desert plains are fueling stations Electro solar magnatation Astro-tects Interplanetary Genius Intellects Scan the skies as they screen us Lunaversal cryptic Dogod Midst the eyes lye coded answers Proto cellular existence Remote controlled dual poled X-sphere Laboratoric chiseled hallways Cosmic message envirotesting Frozen Vacuaviators Outer territorial sites Frozen Vacucultivators Intergalactic Landmarks Unexplainable intruders Keeping track of the experiment Gargantuan topographics Do the crust they cultivate Mirror image in the desert Xerox the belt of the warrior God Astro-tects Interplanetary Genius Intellects Scan the skies as they screen us Lunar satellite ecliption Alter state of the specimen Of refraction and reflection Change the flow of the DNA Solar nights are simulation Of a past and present time Intergalactic Landmarks Intergalactic Landmarks Frozen Vacuaviators Outer territorial sites Futuristic uninhabitable cancerous terra-plain Frozen lands discard plans Of a test that's gone away Left to exist at micro speeds With no organistic traces A guessing game with no conclusion Shrouded in Earthly seclusion Interplanetary Genius