He's accepted the challenge from Gourd; Done-Done! They say he's a quitter, He'd better get fitter Or Scallion will surely succumb Cumb-Cumb! So tame your expressions of glee. On this subject we pray you be Mum. Mum-Mum. You'll find they're not many Who'll fight for a penny This bike's worth a rather large sum Sum-Sum. A very good bargain indeed. On this subject we pray you be mum. Mum-mum! Oh this bike's worth a rather large sum. Sum-Sum! You'll find there are not many, not many, Not many who'll fight for a penny It's a very good bargain indeed It's a very good doctor he'll need As you can see a good bargain indeed, As you can see a good doctor he'll need, Yes indeed, yes indeed, Yes indeed, yes indeed!