Sitting in the jail, my end is near The hangman is waiting for me. The deuce! I'm eating my last meal. And suddenly there is someone talking to me Come back to god, don't you see the light And pray tonight But I am hard, I am a dirty man, My soul is black and will rot. I don't pray to god, I pray to Satan, This is my master, this is my god. Tonight I'm free, yes I see the light It's dark and it shows me the way. They take me down to the guillotine, The blade is cutting my head. My soul is wandering down to hell, It's the day of execution you've said Priest now fight, yield your life to me And pray tonight I'm a servant of hell and nobody Can defeat my plans. If somebody will stop me, I'll take him to the execution! Tonight I'm free, yes I see the light It's dark and it shows me the way. Priest of hell, yield your life to me And pray tonight.