born form desolate tombs, o lord of the wastelands satanstorms ravish antiqued hearts a Solar Sapien(genus) satanacus galactica across the 30th parallel the test tube archeonaut sits locked in orbit, praeter destined the all seeing watcher awaits thy exaulted annihilator our immortal ancestors once ascended that same passage into thine flaming chariot through a veil of hanging gold dust the man outside time might once bask in thy glory let it so again....that i may be granted just one wish IAK XUL! great ones of the imperishable star your pantheon endures still....still! purge the filth what a wretch is man wheels of time turn slow 72 degrees til seperation every 52 years comes the opportunity.... strike! strike arm the weapons! a missile of mercy the great equalizer none to be forgotten all will be one under the eternal winter embrace the universe scattered dust swept by cosmic winds as grains of sand sand on a shore earth shall return to the ether...a micron at a time violence is thy gift(every) 52 years now is the strike! purge the filth what a wretch is man a missile of mercy the great equalizer scatters the dust all shall be one under the eternal winter dismal angel of impurity ravager of the apocalyptic winds reclaim this decaying husk demon of the 4 wings cleanse this earth with righteous flame purge the filth....what a wretch is man ....o wretched man ....remake this earth.... heralding a new age... the rebirth of the planet Satan