Enter into ghastly and dismay paths! Where forbidden dimensions Deprecate past and future Demons wrath gives you pleasure Desire for every Sordid existence Cryptic macrocosm declared Your mystical unholy existence Where every animate entity Worships you Where blasphemy is the amatory Echo of your name! Echo of your name! Leprocious lord! The pest unfold! Oh! Leprocious lord Domiciled in netherworld! Down there we shall extol Your supernal and sullen visage Down there we shall immolate Our damned souls! Leprocious lord! The pest unfold! Oh! Leprocious lord Domiciled in netherworld! Beaver of occult and forgotten Apocryphal desires! Oh! Leprocious lord! Drifting into distorted realms Beyond the veil! Leprocious lord! Drifting into Untrodden corridors of Hades! Into the absurdity! Oh! Leprocious Lord!