Helen of Oi! had the first release Converse sweat, guitars japanese Skinhead girls have fun... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!! David Beckham is squeaky clean Vicky´s gonna buy this double LP she says the lads can´t go wrong... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!! Metallica´s manager says to the band we got to get some louder amps Vanilla Muffins have a masterplan... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!! Liam Gallagher and Robbie Williams, suddenly wanna be best friends we got them on the run... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!! Nancy Reagan sleeps in her bed Ronnie´s got nothing left in his head Megalomaniacs love this song... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!! The Mars attack will not take place The Mars commander got egg on his face and planet earth is gonna take them on... Sugar Oi! c´mon!!!