Impudence is not an illness,baby, you have to try it you admire intellectual top performances,oh,no. Don't you wanna see the joys of life or you hit on all time low you are just an emotional know all. 25 and completely senile. We're disturbing you,We fight our way through,but you are unhappy Well read but far away from reality its turn me off completely. in your vegetarian club with the other spastics,you said "For a rational person it's a big shame to get drunk and socce's bullshit!" But your social critical babbling understands no one. 25 and completely senile. We're disturbing you,We fight our way through,but you are unhappy. I'm proud of my imbalance you're the kind of person who maybe stands on New Year's Eve.Watch out. Cause you biggest enemies are not we it suits me fine your own stinglness will stab you in the back.