Tom: Eb E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| well I have seen this out there but it is not very accurate, so here is my interpretation. E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| oK, here is what everyone DA LLY wants!!DA BASS G O!!!!! play this preeety fast!! G|------------8--6-5------5------------| D|--------56----------8-------8--5-6-5-| DA PEAT SEVERAL TIMES A|-----6-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------| VERSES Please visit my web page at D#, A#, G# BRIDGE G, C, G#, A# and please, if you choose to use this TAB on your web page please give me credit! CHORUS I've been gettin jimped latly! D#, G#, F, A# Thanks and Have fun!!!!!!!! BRIDGE #2 F, G#, D#, A#