What Child Is This Who Laid to Rest On Mary's Lap Is Sleeping Whom Angels Greet With Anthems Sweet While Shepherds Watch Are Keeping This, This Is Christ the King Whom Shepherds Guard and Angels Sing Haste, Haste to Bring Him Laud The Babe, the Son of Mary So Bring Him Incense, Gold, and Myrrh Come Peasant King to Own Him The King of Kings Salvation Brings Let Loving Hearts Enthrone Him Raise, Raise the Song On High The Virgin Sings Her Lullaby Joy, Joy For Christ Is Born The Babe, the Son of Mary The Babe, the Son of Mary, Mary [spoken] Kristyn: And, Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them And the Glory of the Lord Shone Round About Them And They Were Sore Afraid Kelsi: and the Angel Said Unto Them Fear Not: For, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy, Which Shall Be to All People. For Unto You Is Born This Day In the City of David a Savior, Which Is Christ the Lord Kassidy: and This Shall Be a Sign Unto You; Ye Shall Find the Babe Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes, Lying in a Manger. And Suddenly There Was With the Angel a Multitude of Heavenly Host Praising God, and Saying Glory to God in the Highest, and On Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men