Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas Children Live in a Christmas Daydream) Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas Children Hunger For Christmas Morning) Sing a Christmas Carol Christmas Children Peep Into Christmas Windows See a World As Pretty As a Dream Christmas Trees and Toys Christmas Hopes and Joys Christmas Puddings Rich With Christmas Cream Christmas Presents Shine in the Christmas Windows Christmas Presents Tied With Pretty Bows [kids:] Wonderin' What's Inside, What Delights May Hide But Till' Christmas Morning no One Knows Little Boy: Won't It Be Exciting If It Snows I Suppose (I Suppose) That Children Everywhere (Everywhere) Will Say a Christmas Prayer Till Santa Brings, Their Christmas Things Christmas Children Live in a Christmas Daydream Waiting For the Magic to Unfold [kids:] Wondrous Things to Eat, Every Christmas Treat Which Are Not the Christmas Pot of Gold Hypnotizes Children Young and Old I Suppose (I Suppose) That Children Everywhere (Everywhere) Will Say a Christmas Prayer Till Santa Brings, Their Christmas Things Christmas Children Hunger For Christmas Morning Christmas Days Are Wonders to Behold [kids:] Young Ones Dreams Come True Not So Young Ones Too We Believe That Story We've Been Told Christmas Is For Children Young and Old Christmas Children Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas Children Live in a Christmas Daydream) Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas Children Live in a Christmas Daydream) Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas Children Live in a Christmas Daydream) Sing a Christmas Carol