A life still living, it's energy coursin' within But in a single day destiny turns the page And I become just a leaf in the wind That day my cage door closed. I felt so alone That day when I began to turn within me Shapes no longer remained inside Tell me my name so I'm no longer empty I need someone else's power Give me a rhythm to melt what I cannot see What will I become if I don't leave anything behind me? I have sunk into a no eternal statue If I've still got a heart, I can't use it I talk in signs but I don't know I'm doing them Faced by my tired and weary heart I shed a tear That doesn't blind me, I don't feel it running down my face But I know it's there, it's not visible It's not even real, but it's inside me All around goes on livin', but I've left my body And I don't know where I am now.