What a formidable time warp I am 1926 all over again Sprawled out along the dandelion fields And red coppery tracks to the wrecking yard You say these knees grow weak I am a harbour begging boats beneath you A trembling bridge You say these knees grow weak For a change you sail the sea What if it really was the coast with the most? Will these cigarette ashes leave a trail to a side-walk's end? To a lock of grey hair? Will it lead me there? You are my 1952 My Harley or Cadillac days You ride with the wind You are a water pump in the back well You rust to my hands Days when I thought I gave too much Now pounce on a penny for what it's worth Augustine, florentine Order it from the menu when the bell man takes your coat What a fine coat it is You go at the break of dawn And when you go you break everyone's little splendid heart And you're remembered